DSR is proud to be working in partnership with the Victorian Department of Health, on a campaign promoting the COVID-19 vaccinations.
Consistently, statistics show that people under the age of 30 are not getting their third dose of the vaccine, leaving them and their community more vulnerable given the effect of the vaccine weakens over time.
To encourage more young people to have their third dose, DSR is running a campaign called #ItsNotTooLateToVaccinate.
The focus of the campaign is the journey that people have in deciding to be vaccinated, noting that this is different for everyone. We interviewed three amazing athletes – Michael, Mia and Andrew, asking them to share their journey to being vaccinated and how COVID-19 impacted their ability to play the sport they love.
Helpful resources
General information about coronavirus can be found here: https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/
There is specific assistance now available for people with disability who might need more support on their vaccination journey. You can find more information about what is available here: https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/information-people-disability-coronavirus-disease-covid-19
Lastly, Easy English guides on coronavirus can be found here: https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/information-people-disability-coronavirus-disease-covid-19#easy-english-resources-about-coronavirus
Watch the #ItsNotTooLateToVaccinate series

DSR - #ItsNotTooLateToVaccinate: Andrew Negrelli

DSR - #ItsNotTooLateToVaccinate: Mia Treadwell