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Victorian Government funds DSR to support PWD to become vaccinated

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

Disability Sport & Recreation (DSR) has received a COVID-19 Vaccination Community Engagement Grant.

[Image ID: A group of people huddled together and posing for a photo at the Disability Sport & Recreation Festival. There is a line of stalls in the background and people walking past]

Disability Sport & Recreation (DSR) is proud to partner with the Victorian Government and disability organisations to support children, young people and their families to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. With the new funding, DSR will support young people with disability to be better informed about getting the COVID-19 vaccine. We can all play a part in making it safe to return to sport and recreation.

COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted people with disability. This project will help the disability community find the right support, information and access to health care. As programs and community activities return, we recognise that as many people as possible need to be vaccinated and this project will reinforce this messaging. DSR has a legacy of working with young people and supporting them to be active.

The DSR Kids program, known for its Summer and Winter Camps, provides opportunities for accessible adventures for young people. The camps are only possible if volunteers and participants are safe and fully immunised. Our interactive WheelTalk program, which has reached thousands of participants, teaches the importance of diversity and acceptance. This is a great opportunity to teach how important vaccinations are to the disability community.

Currently, the age group with the lowest vaccination rates in Victoria is those under 30 years of age. We believe that promoting credible COVID-19 information is the best way to ease hesitations about returning to sport and other physical activity in the community

The project details are nearly finalised, however DSR will be working in partnership with other disability sporting organisations and the DSR Disability Advisory Committee to ensure that the project is relevant to young people and that it is informed by people with disability.

Ayden Shaw, DSR Manager of Programs and Events, stated the importance of the project being co-designed by people with disability.

“It’s absolutely critical that this project includes the voice of people with lived experience of disability”, he explained. “a key element of our strategic plan is to represent the voice of people with disability in our activities, we see this project as an authentic way to engage our newly formed disability advisory committee and other disability sport organisations, playing our part in the vital work of supporting more people in our community to be both fully informed and fully vaccinated”.

More details about this exciting project will be revealed over the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can still book your vaccines at your local GP or pharmacy: and if you require assistance booking your appointment or accessing health services, you can get in contact with Disability Liaison Officers. You can do this via email at or by completing this request form.


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