![[Image ID: The image is of two rows of people, all DSR staff smiling atthe camera. Jason Lees is wearing a cap and holding a thank you card and is sitting front right in a wheelchair. There is a male wearing a camouflage hoody also in a wheelchair to his left. In the back row are 5 males all smiling at the camera]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/27ac5c_f42b4985a733443da9e96f8eed48a634~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_980,h_735,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/27ac5c_f42b4985a733443da9e96f8eed48a634~mv2.jpeg)
Best wishes to Jason Lees who has left DSR after nearly 7 years as our wheelchair rugby co-ordinator to concentrate on a new role with Paralympics Australia helping the Steelers national team, and also to Akii Ngo who was a key member of the Phoenix Project and recently established our new Disability Advisory Committee.
Although not direct replacements, DSR is excited to announce that we’re recruiting for two brand new, exciting roles at DSR.
Programs & Participation Coordinator
This role will see the successful candidate work closely with the Programs & Events Manager to deliver one of the most exciting portfolios at DSR.
Key programs include:
Wheelchair Rugby
Wheeltalk Schools Program
DSR Kids Camps
Events/ Activations
Grants/ Funded Programs
For more information please visit https://www.dsr.org.au/post/programs-participation-coordinator
Operations & Administration Officer
The second exciting role will help DSR oversee daily operations in our Collingwood Office.
The successful candidate will work closely with our Executive Team to help oversee day to day operations of the office including membership & customer enquiries whilst providing administrative support to the CEO and rest of the team.
For more information please visit https://www.dsr.org.au/post/operations-administration-officer